Communication meme: Caitstyle


This picture was taken from the From Dusk Till Dawn event in Finite Fini last weekend.  The festival Included massive decorations, live musicians, DJ’s and other talent.  It was hosted by the lovely Full Moon Guest Cintia.  Full Moon was happy to have you!

So, the new Meme from is all about communication.  No other space can foster great open communication and honesty then the virtual world right?  erm no… but for those of us who are pretty much open about who we are or want we are looking for,  it can make for a good social outlet, creative fun and even true freindships.  Here is my go at the meme, hope you enjoy!

Meme instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your post, delete my answers and input your own. All of your answers should reflect your activity within Second Life. Remember to leave your link in this meme’s comments so others can come by and read your answers as well!

  1. Who did you speak to last inworld today?   Zarina AfromiS, The beautiful inside and out, real life and sl talented and kind girl who I adore.  She is working on clothes at the moment, can not wait to get some copies and blog them.  Hi 5 Tinsleface.  You can also see her modeling in the previous “Like a Diva” blog.  Keep a heads up for her store : Romeo and Johanna (Coming soon) a medley of romance meets east.
  2. Who has taught you most about SL?   Samantha Baily.  My BFF on sl forever and ever no matter what, my sissy from another mummy.  She had been on sl for a while when i joined and she knew everything, helped me with anything, spent hours and I mean hours teaching me the ropes.  Even  now after two years I will wonder something and out she pops with the answer like its sooo basic when she has not even been in world in months.  Grr I love you sam, you superSLer 😀
  3. Who do you turn to for help? In anything real life related: Jugurta Baily or Sam Baily.  Ju Is the first person to cross my mind when my eyes open and the last before I fall.  He is the love I never expected and always needed.  he infuriates me, pushes me, comforts me, adores me and I do all the same to him.  2 plus yrs baby! muah.  As for sam see above under awesome sauce… As for sl issues probably Mat fini or Sam.  Mat just knows the answer to stuff period.  Like when I accidentally set my sky box on fire, Mat was there.  Thanks Kingster.
  4. Who is the most entertaining person on your friend list? Ju Baily of course, I would talk to him 24 hrs a day if i could.  close seconds include, Hazy cygnet, Sam baily, Valerie Aphromis, Zarina aphromis, Clea Mynx, Tom Raynier,Izzy mynx and just straight hilarious people: Bhad Unicorn, Bin Catnap, Vanna southpaw kills me w her fb posts, erm  many more i am forgetting atm.
  5. Do you speak to your SL friends outside of SL? Yes.   Ju is my real life everything.  Close sl girlies, we chat a lot.  oh and there may be my sl facbook addiction as well.
  6. Are you part of a community or family inworld? Yes, only the bestestest one ever hehe.  I joined Full Moon Clan after two weeks, met the best people, had the most fun.  I have seriously not met a bunch of kinder people who generally care to be happy, drama free and enjoy the virtual world at our fingertips.  I may be saying that because im countess but it is more like I am countess because I truely believe in this place.
  7. Are you usually around a lot of people or do you spend most of your time alone inworld? To tell the truth (Spoiler alert) I am actually very shy.  It takes me a long time to open up and, even in a virtual world I am not comfortable all the time.  That said, I love my clan and I feel at home there, so if you are on my sim, I will not hesitate to say hello.  I have the people whom I adore, and love chatting with them and with groups, love events with my friends.  Lately I am so busy, rl work, blogging, taking pics, photo editing, rl obligations and a relationship all make for not so much “just chilling out w friends” time.  I joke and say i have two full time jobs 🙂

Okay ENOUGH about me.  If you made it though all this ranting kudos, see ya next time! CAIT

oh  right: what I’m wearing:

Hair: Magika Volume Blondes

Neaklace: MIEL Friendo

Shirt AMD Hazel Mesh top Cream

Skirt: Tee*fy Ruffle Chilli

Sim: FInite Fini Fair grounds ()

2 thoughts on “Communication meme: Caitstyle

  1. smiles yes soo very true i love this meme :)) your the best and such a great countess too you rock and we know it :))

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